I’m starting a project again that I wanted to do for several years. Small goddesses to hold on my hands. Delicately sculpted in fine porcelain and painted with China paint. This is the first time I have ever planned a sculpture in advance, drawing it and figuring out everything I want about it before I start sculpting. I used to like to just go with the flow straight to sculpting. Something in me has changed, now that I’m half a century old, I realize that even in planning ahead, there is still an abundance of creativity and joy! And I will be able to sculpt faster which is a plus while handling porcelain, knowing in advance what I want to sculpt. Plus, I love so much to draw! And I will get to use my collection of erasers from the 80s!😂. This is a sketch of Gaia, I want to probably be painting flowers on her skin, all over. She might end up holding flowers as well. This is just the beginning of a sketch. ❤️
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