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I must tell you a secret...

I must tell you a secret. My dolls have souls. They are Ensouled. I have suspected of this since I started sculpting, over 20 years ago. My husband likes to say that they have personalities... and now, other very spiritual and highly psychic individuals have pointed that out to me: that my dolls are Ensouled. So, I must tell you that you are not only getting dolls from me, but they are also inhabited. If you ask me how, I would not know what to tell you. It just happens. I can speculate that it’s my inheritance, coming from a family of witches, healers, fortune tellers and Mediums. I am a Medium since birth, I can see, hear, feel and smell spirits, and that may be the reason they come in and take shelter in my dolls. Maybe I did this before in another life. I can’t explain how it happens, but it does, all the time. My mother hid my dolls from me when I was a little girl, because they walked and talked at night and didn’t let me sleep. So, here you go! You are getting more than you bargained for and I feel now that it’s about time I told you. And there is no need to be scared. My creations are filled with light and I can’t imagine a darker soul wanting to live in between glitter and roses, can you? And from now on I’m taking precautions I never took before, to bring in only light to everything I create, I think we all desperately need more love and light right now.  

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